Kanopy Credit System Changing to Ticket System

Tickets here, tickets here! Our popular Kanopy video streaming service is updating its terms of use. On Wednesday, November 1, Kanopy "play credits" are changing to monthly "tickets."

Each month, rather than starting with 10 credits that could be applied to watch 10 films, shows or courses, you'll now begin each month with 30 tickets. Under the new system, titles will also have varying ticket values.

While the measurement of how much content you access in Kanopy is changing, the service will offer the same experiences, like streaming critically acclaimed movies, catching up on inspiring documentaries and discovering award-winning foreign films. These resources and more will still be available on your preferred devices: mobile, computer or smart TV. Jefferson County residents can access Kanopy with a valid JCPL card.

Learn More About Kanopy's New Ticketing System:

How many tickets will we get?

  • Instead of starting each month with 10 "play credits" and using one credit for anything you want to watch on Kanopy, you will begin each month with 30 "tickets."

How will we know how many tickets a title will use?

  • Every title in Kanopy will be labeled with a ticket value and viewing period. Having this information visible next to the Play button will help you determine how to use your tickets and ensure you have enough time to enjoy a title before pressing Play.

How are ticket values determined?

  • Ticket value and viewing period are both determined by running time and studio licensing. For example, a short film might require 1 ticket and provide a three-day viewing period, while a five-hour video course might require 5 tickets and give you seven days for viewing.

What other changes might you see?

  • The Great Courses now require tickets. The number of tickets and viewing period will be clearly labeled for each course.

What will not change?

  • You will continue to access Kanopy Kids content without limits. Other ticket-free content will also be available, labeled as "0 tickets."
  • You will be able to watch a video as many times as you want during the viewing period.
  • Tickets not used by the end of the month will not roll over to the next month.

On November 1, you will start seeing a pop-up on the Kanopy website and the app that explains the new system and links to more information. As always, let us know if you have questions or need any help.