Volunteer Spotlight: Summer Challenge Teen Volunteers

JCPL's Volunteers of the Month for July 2024

If you've visited Jefferson County Public Library this summer, there's a good chance you've met some of JCPL's teen volunteers!

Over 200 teens volunteer at JCPL during their summer break by signing patrons up for the Library Summer Challenge, handing out prizes, assisting with summer camps and sharing book recommendations.

But why would teens want to spend their summer here rather than sunbathing or watching TV?

"I like volunteering at the Library because it is the most direct way I can give back to the community," Oliver says after a moment of reflection.

Oliver has volunteered at JCPL every summer since he turned 12 and has a special talent for suggesting the perfect book for patrons of every age and reading level. "You meet some of the most amazing people you'll ever work with," Oliver says.

"I wanted to volunteer because my sister did," Ginny says. "I was inspired by her."

Ginny's sister graduated this year, and Ginny is finally old enough to start volunteering in her stead. "Helping out people is just fun. The kids are adorable."

"The kids are too cute!" Tayla adds. "I volunteered because I knew I'd be bored over the summer. And I get free stuff and snacks at the Library."

Snacks are a huge perk for volunteering.

"The best snack we get for volunteering: Oreos," Maya decides. "The worst snack we've ever gotten was cucumber lime Gatorade. It was bad. No one wanted to drink it."

Even when the snack choices fail to impress, teen volunteers feel comfortable in the Library.

"I like the memories I have in the Library," Joseph says. "I've been going to the Standley Lake Library since I was little. My mom makes me get a book every summer, so I've been coming here for a while."

"I like volunteering and giving back to the community, especially in a place I feel comfortable," Francesca adds. "I do a lot of volunteering, and I like to see all the kids and how happy they are."

Many of the teen volunteers enjoy making recommendations to younger kids when they are selecting their prize books.

"The Diary of a Wimpy Kid books are very nostalgic," Sky says.

"I have every single one of those!" Joseph agrees.

In addition to helping out their community, the volunteering work these teens do helps them meet their service hour requirements for school or the National Honor Society. It also gives them valuable experience for their resumes when it's time to apply for a job or college.

The JCPL staff are incredibly grateful for the support teen volunteers give.

"Having the teen volunteers transforms the Summer Challenge sign-ups into a fun event," Patron Experience Associate Jo says. "I thank each and every teen volunteer I see because they make such a difference. The whole vibe changes when they are here."

"They bring an enthusiasm to the Library that we don't normally have. Their energy is infectious," Teen Librarian Jayna says. "They all have such diverse interests, so I'm always learning new things from them."

"Teen volunteers are so focused on getting the kids engaged, it's wonderful," Patron Experience Associate Sharon says.

"We would not be able to do half the Summer Challenge programs we do without the teen volunteers," Patron Experience Associate Lyla says. "We just would not be able to function if the teens were not here — they are instrumental in helping the Challenge run. There would be no way we could sign everyone up without them. If we didn't have teen volunteers, I would just take a sabbatical for the summer. Seriously."

If you see a teen volunteer next time you're at JCPL, please take a minute to say hello and thank them for their hard work this summer!