Getting Started: Boundless on an E-reader

Step-by-step instructions: (Printable version)

Install Adobe Digital Editions
  1. Download and install Adobe Digital Editions ( on your computer. Follow prompts to complete installation.
  2. When the “Setup Assistant” displays, click Continue.
  3. Click Get an Adobe ID online.
  4. Your internet browser will open. Click Create an Adobe ID account.
  5. Follow the prompts and click Continue.
  6. Go back to the Adobe Setup window on your computer and enter your Adobe ID and password. Click Activate and Finished.
Sign In to your Boundless Account

In a browser, go to our Boundless collection: Click Sign In in the top right, then enter your library card number.

  • Similar to many popular online streaming services, you will now have the option to create up to five profiles under a single library card for a more personalized experience based on age. For example, teen profiles display only young adult or children’s materials, and kid profiles only display children’s materials. Profiles are completely optional and can be added or deleted at any time. 
  • Enter a profile by clicking on it.
Search, Browse, Check Out, Place Hold
  • Use the search box at the top to look for a title, author, or keyword. Use the filters on the left to filter and sort the search results.
  • Or, from the menu at the top left, select Browse. Use the filters on the left to filter by subject, genre, format, availability, etc.
  • The format (e-book or audiobook) is indicated at the bottom of each book jacket. (Make sure you are looking only at e-books.)
  • When the book jacket has a diagonal banner that says Waitlist, the title is checked out and you may place a hold. Titles without that banner are available for check out.
  • When you find an available title, click on the cover and then Checkout.

You may check out 99 titles at one time. You may have 70 titles on hold at one time, and you have three days to check out a hold once it becomes available for you.

Download and Transfer
  1. Click on the three dots at the bottom of the book cover, or on the down arrow next to the Read button and select Download. (If necessary, use the menu at the top left to select My Shelf and then Checkouts to get back to your checked out title.)
  2. After the file downloads to your computer, open the file and it should automatically launch Adobe Digital Editions (ADE).
  3. Select the Library view.
  4. Connect your reader to your computer with its cord.
  5. Your reader should appear in the navigation on the left.
  6. Click and drag the book to your device.
  7. Safely eject your e-reader. Books can be found in My Documents, My Files, or in a Digital Editions folder.
Early Returns and Renewing
  • Items are automatically returned after 21 days and there are no late fees. To return a title early, use the left menu to select My Shelf, then Checkouts. Click on the three vertical dots at the bottom right of the book jacket, then Return and Ok.
  • If a title does not have holds, you will be able to renew it within three days of its due date. To renew, use the left menu to select My Shelf, then Checkouts. Click on the three vertical dots at the bottom right of the book jacket, then Renew. Next, to reactivate the title, click the three dots again and Remove, then Download Now.
Nook Glowlight Plus and Nook Color - Special instructions:
  1. Instead of clicking and dragging in Adobe Digital Editions, right-click the e-book in ADE and click Show File in Explorer (Windows) or Show File in Finder (Mac).
  2. Drag the e-book file from the folder that opens to the My Files folder of your NOOK. Your NOOK will appear as a removable device in the left-hand side of the Explorer or Finder window.
  3. Find the newly transferred e-book on your NOOK under Library > My Files.
Nook GlowLight 3 and GlowLight Plus 7.8"- Special instructions:
  1. Connect your Nook to your computer.  
  2. Open Adobe Digital Editions. (You may need to click “Turn On” on your Nook screen for the device to be recognized by ADE. If Windows File Explorer opens when you “turn on” the Nook, close the Explorer window.)
  3. Click and drag the book to your Nook.
  4. Click on the Gear icon next to “Devices” and click on “Authorize” to authorize the device with your ADE account.
  5. Eject your Nook from your computer.
  6. You must now add your Adobe ID credentials to your Nook.
  7. Click the upper right corner of the status bar to open Quick settings and click on “See All Settings.”
  8. Open “My Account.”
  9. Click “Adobe DRM Setting” (You will see your email & ADE ID number listed under “Authorized Adobe IDs, but you still need to add your password in the next step.)
  10. Click on  “Add Adobe ID”  and enter your Adobe ID  (email) and password.