Culture Pass
Please Note: New Culture Pass Reservation System Coming Soon!
The company that provides the software for our Culture Pass reservations is ending operations at the end of the year. Due to this transition, bookings after December 31, 2024 are not currently available. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to make 2025 Culture Passes available soon.
Culture Pass FAQs
The company that provides the software for our Culture Pass reservation system recently announced that they are ending operations at the end of the year. As we navigate this transition, January passes are not currently available, but we hope to have those online soon.
JCPL purchases memberships at local art, culture, history and outdoor destinations so that library cardholders can explore Colorado for free. Culture Pass benefits vary by destination. Each library cardholder may book two Culture Passes per rolling 30 day period, with a restriction of one pass per institution at any given time on each library card. Reserve your pass here.
Colorado State Parks passes are no longer available as Culture Passes. They are now available as Lucky Day items in our locations, or holdable in the Catalog. Lucky Day items are non-holdable, non-renewable and available for check out on a first-come, first-served basis. Each library has one or two pouches, and they will check out for one week. State Parks passes cannot be picked up at the Express Library.
Any library cardholder can reserve a pass at the Library, on our Culture Pass page or by calling 303-235-5275. Reserve passes up to 30 days in advance. Each cardholder is eligible for two Culture Passes per month. Limited availability and limit one pass per institution, per library card at a time.